
Oil today is in the literal sense of the word the blood of the world economy, as well as one of the main sources of the welfare of our country. How did it happen that it was this oily dark liquid that became de facto the main engine of technological progress, why it was it (and not coal, say) has gained such a pronounced smell of power, money and secrets?

Oil today is in the literal sense of the word the blood of the world economy, as well as one of the main sources of the welfare of our country. How


did it happen that it was this oily dark liquid that became de facto the main engine of technological progress, why it was it (and not coal, say) has gained such a pronounced smell of power, money and secrets? The editor -in -chief of the Russian BBC service, economic journalist Andrei Ostalsky traces the history of oil, starting from the development of the first large deposit in Pennsylvania to the recent war in the Persian Gulf. And those readers, who are primarily interested in the future, will find a pleasant bonus in the book: the author analyzes in detail all the options for further development of events and shares his forecast with the reader – unexpected, but generally optimistic.

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